
Title: Rethinking High-Volume Document Automation

Date Broadcasted: Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 

On-Demand Webinar

Duration: 45 minutes


Rethinking High-Volume Document Automation


The need for fast and accurate high-volume document processing spans every industry. Automating these processes offers the chance to drive efficiency, and improve margins but many organizations struggle with this. Despite having access to automation technologies for many years this has failed to deliver full automation of high volume business processes.

Join us as we explore why this situation exists, discover how Document Intelligence can enrich existing processes, and see a live demo of intelligent document processing in action.

In the 45 minutes, we will explore:
  • Why many organizations have failed to fully automate their document processes despite having document automation technologies in place for years.
  • How Document Intelligence can be delivered into organizations faster, with more agility and accuracy, and potentially open new revenue streams.
  • A real-world case study that shows the tangible business value that can be achieved by deploying document intelligence against high volume document processing.



Ed Wingate

Head of Strategic Partnerships, Aluma

Mark background removed

Mark Whitman

Chief Technology Officer, Aluma